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Citizenship Visa

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Australian citizenship – Apply Now



Obtaining Australian citizenship means that you are formally accepted in the Australian community. You are entitled to certain social benefits as a citizen / permanent resident - free Medicare, social welfare, free schooling. Citizenship also entitles you to apply for an Australian passport and have the right to vote. It also means that you are committed to the country

Types of Citizenship

You can get Australian citizenship through three different streams:
  • citizenship by birth
  • citizenship by decent
  • citizenship through residency

Citizenship by birth - you will be eligible to apply if you were born in Australia and at least one of your parents was an Australian citizen or a permanent resident at the time of your birth.

Citizenship by decent - you can apply if you were born outside of Australia and at least one of your parents was an Australian citizen at the time of your birth.

Citizenship through residency – You can apply for your Australian passport if you have been living in Australia on a valid visa for at least 4 years immediately before applying. You must not have been absent from Australia for more than 3 months in any one year nor for a total of 12 months within the 4 years prior to lodging your citizenship application. You must hold a permanent residency visa for at least 12 months immediately before applying for citizenship.


There are 3 stages in obtaining Australian citizenship and obtaining your Australian citizenship certificate.
  • Submit your citizenship application
  • Attend a citizenship appointment where your identity and documentation will be verified. You will also sit the Australian citizenship test or an Australian citizenship interview whichever is applicable. This involves answering questions on Australia and its people, language, laws and beliefs. You should obtain a pass mark of 75%.
    The topics covered are
    • Australia and its people
    • Australia democratic rights, beliefs and liberties
    • Government and the law in Australia
    • It is recommended to prepare by reading Australian citizenship, our common bond.
  • Attend the Australian Citizenship ceremony and make the Australian Citizenship Pledge – a commitment of loyalty to Australia. You will be presented with your Australian certificate of citizenship.

Call us now to organize your Australian citizenship or apply now here

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Kilkenny: +353 56 777 0227
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New Zealand: +64 9 984 1996
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