UK Ancestry Visa

The UK Ancestry Visa gives Commonwealth nationals with a grandparent born in the UK, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, the opportunity to immigrate to the UK.

With a United Kingdom Ancestry Visa, you are initially given 5 years to live and work in the UK. After 5 years in the UK you can apply for permanent residence (Indefinite Leave to Remain), provided you meet the necessary requirements. Visit Am I Eligible? for more information.

You will be eligible for a UK Ancestry Visa if:
  • You have a grandparent who was born in the UK, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.
  • You are aged 17 years or older.
  • You are a citizen of the Commonwealth. Visit Am I Eligible? for a list of eligible countries.
  • You can support yourself in the UK without access to public funds.

Apply now for your UK Ancestry Visa
Call us now to book your UK Visa today:

Phone: (Visa First Australia) 021 800 829 230   (Visa First Canada) 0647 724 3535

Or click here to fill in the online form for a call back

At Visa First we don't just organise visas, we also help you get set up with everything you'll need to work and live in the UK  such as , National Insurance Number and arrival packs.

Please note that due to an unavoidable fee increase with British Immigration, the price of the UK Ancestry Visa is set to increase. Please contact a Visa First representative or register for further details.
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