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Talent visa

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Distinguished Talent Visa

The Distinguished talent visa is a permanent residency visa which will give you the opportunity to live and work in Australia for good. To qualify for this visa you have to have an exceptional talent or achievements in your field. This visa would be suitable for you if you have exceptional achievements in a profession, a sport, the arts, or academia and research. You need to show that you would be of benefit to the Australian economy and you would have no difficulty getting a job offer and settling in Australia. You also have to be fluent in English. You have to be between 18 and 55 years of age. If you are younger than 18 or older than 55 you may still apply, however you must proof of that you will be of exceptional benefit to Australian community. Your dependent family members can be included under your distinguished talent visa and they can also get permanent residency in Australia. To apply for the distinguished talent visa, you need to have a sponsor who is able to confirm your achievements. Your sponsor can either be an Australian citizen or permanent resident or an Australian organization, that has national reputation in Australia in the same field as you. Both you and your sponsor need to be able to provide evidence of your exceptional and outstanding achievements.
Apply <b>for this visa</b>

Ireland: +353 1 878 3355
UK: +44 207 659 9180
Australia: 1 800 829 230
Canada: +1 647 724 3535
USA: +1 866 772 9245
the Netherlands: +31 2 0890 8144
Germany: 0800 000 7272
France: 0033 179 978 528
New Zealand +64 9 984 1996