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ETA 3 Monate
Business Visum

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Australische ETA Business Visa für 3 Monate

If you are planning a short business trip to Australia, you will need either a Business ETA Visa (Electronic Travel Authority Visa) or an Australian E-Visitor Visa. Visit Am I Eligible to see which visa you need. This 3-month Australian Visa allows you to visit Australia for business activities such as:
  • Attending conferences
  • Negotiations
  • Exploratory business visits
This Australian Visa does not entitle you to work in Australia and it does not include acting, music performances or commercial film making.

You must be outside of Australia when you apply.

Apply now for your Australia Business Visa
Call our Oz Visa department to book your business visa by phone and our team will send you all the necessary forms. Once you have submitted your application and payment we will process your ETA visa online. If your application is successful your Business ETA Visa will be granted immediately. If you require an Australia E-Visitor Visa it cannot be processed automatically and will take between 2-10 working days.

Oder füllen Sie das online Visum Antrag für einen späteren Rückruf aus. Bitte beachten Sie, das dies länger dauert als eine telefonische Antragsstellung, da wir hierbei vorerst den Antrag erhalten müssen. Wir werden uns bemühen Sie in den nächsten 12 Stunden zu kontaktieren, bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass wir Sie unter angebener Nummer erreichen können.